Menentukan sikap itu tidak mudah
have you ever once in your life stand in the hard situation,
which u should choose one between the one u love or your family?
have you ever once in your life stuck cause you cant face the truth
hoping or passing?
have you ever once in your life trapped in the unwanted situation
which push you to represent opinion
agree or disagree??
have you ever once in your life forget about considering
just "take and give"
have you ever once in your life have no choice but still trying to make a choice
now or never
have you ever once in your life regret about thing u`ve done
forgiven or forgotten?
sometime i feel the same..
thats hard.. but we'v to do..
have to pass it..
life oh life. :P
Life is about choices, making decision, and accepting the consequences of that decision. That's it. That's why life is so wonderful....for having that freedom to choose....;D Even when you have no options but only that ONE option...well, one option is still an option.....;D
BTW, mbok...nothing is forgotten. Even though it is forgiven, it will never be forgotten. Itulah yang bikin pusing + makan hati kadang2 (utk diri sendiri; terutama utk manusia kayak gua, semua dipikirin, semua dimasukin hati, kalo gak diarsip di hati masuknya ke otak.....sigh....;D).
hmmmm,,iya sih mbok...
rempong juga ya jadi manusia..
harusnya ya ga selalu take it too hard.. harusnya bisa make it easy for everything ..
tapi bener sih mbok.. ONE option is still an option.. hihihihi...
Setujuu sama merll!!!
Nothing is forgotten, even if it's forgiven, doesn't mean it's forgotten.
but remember that God always have a plan for every choice that we choose, whatever it is.
Good things bring happiness, bad things bring experiences, both are important in life.
Bangkeeee..... Memojokkan gwaaaaa.... Iyeeeeeee iyeeeeeee....>.<
i have Mba.. hahaha xD and i'm still alive till now... jadi its okaylah to feel like that once awhile but dont get too drawn in it hihihihi... semangat :D
wow hidup kan memang pilihan....benar kata2 yg diatas...dan ku menjalani semua itu...dan pada akhirnya bila kita memilih utk hidup mandiri setiap pilihan, kita yang memperkirakan positif negatifnya tetapi semua tidak pernah lepas dari takdir Allah....jadi nikmatilah hidup baik itu sedih maupun senang karena kita akan menyadari betapa bersyukurnya kita stlh melewati byk cobaan hidup..;p
"Good things bring happiness, bad things bring experiences, both are important in life."
Ciyeehhhh......si Nenek makin bijaksana sejak merantau ke SG...hehehehe.....setuju May!!!
Wkwkwkwk......responsenya: "Bangkeeee..... Memojokkan gwaaaaa.... Iyeeeeeee iyeeeeeee....>.<"
eruma : yes sweetheart... insyaallah bisa.
mbak jatu :iya mbak aku mensyukuri kok
mbok sama nenek : kalian bersekutu memojokkan aku ya,,, :( :( bunuh aja aku
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