for always being there in my every moment.
you really knew me better then i do
year after year passed by
manything happen and some of them are hard time
but you in your elderly age
you stand still with no tears shown
sacrify your own happiness
always for your family
you with your big heart
never tired to hear me shout
never tired to forgive my madness juvenille act
for all of those things
i always proud to call u my supermom

happy birthday mommyy
smoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu
hope ALLAH give me chance to make you proud of me
waaaaaww today's ur mom's bday????
say Happy Belated birthdaayyy from me :D
Bude harini ultah Mba? selamat yaa.. sampaikan salam hormat.. selamat ulang tahun semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu :) hugs hugs
Huggss Huggsss Kiss Kisss Met ultah ya mak-nya si Mak....;D GBU always!
@ Nenek : thank you so much darling
@ eruma : iya dek matur nuwun :P
@ ndut : serasa kamu yang di doain ya hihihihihi
@ mbok : mak nya mak.. hahahaha.. cute :P thank u anyway darla
ya so key hehehe
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